The Change in the Afternoon.

The heat is off the afternoons. Although this is such a small change, it is shocking how it affects everyone. This combined with the sun setting just a few minutes earlier each day makes it feel summer is on the wan. The wearing attire changes ever so slightly toward less summer colors and summer shoes.

I had been busy in my own space, until 10:30 this am, when, not wanting to be late for an appointment, I came out the door and  jumped into the first cab that stopped.  I gave the address: 35th and Madison where I needed to be. ‘You can’t go there,’ said the cabby. Imagine my …

Metro Art -3

These are fantastic, right? Below, the artist at work.  A German citizen who visited New York and first made one on a whim.  Now working here, everyone she knows collects used cards for her.  She is having an art show of these images.