Without Exception

In planning to be ‘away from my desk’ for a few days, another email arrives from my ‘best commercial agent’ could I take an audition tomorrow.  How do they time it and where are they when there is nothing scheduled?!

Sitting ON the Street

This is Times Square.  And while waiting for a friend, I took a seat on a chair on the street.  The City has made less traffic and more pedestrian friendly areas for blocks and this is one of them.  A rather novel experience; sitting between the curb and traffic.


When I see a drunk person on the street, some emotion very deep inside me is triggered.  Given my upbringing, I have no intimate encounter with drunks so it doesn’t hark back to a memory, but a feeling of deep sadness and imminent tears is triggered. Male or female. Tonight, on the way to the …

St Patricks Cathedral

Those of you who have been with me, when on 5th Avenue we pop into the magnificent St Patricks Cathedral to light a candle, have had to dodge the work-in-progress.  Here is the full story.   http://www.saintpatrickscathedral.org/about_restore.php

you are either part of the solution…

…or you are part of the problem.    I return to the City, in car with two dogs and have decided I will park in front of my apartment building for the time it takes to unload my luggage [and of course plants], before driving off to return car and dogs to owner.  I pull …