
Movie matinee! [Is a Tall Man Happy?]  In a theatre with loges, foot stools and coffee and or food delivered to your reserved seat number.  And cost of parking for hours of being downtown? $5!  The magic number in this city apparently. [Incidentally the cost of a used book at Powell’s across the street!]

Folks You’re NOT at Home

Attended the movie Mandela, a Long Walk to Freedom.  It was as if I was in a large living room.  The out-loud comments during the film presentation and general public noise was irritating and eyeopening.  In the other City the public is asked not to talk.  Perhaps that could be instituted here?


The first time, in the night, I looked out my window and there were stars.  The big dipper was behind the fur tree pictured earlier, and I was wishing it would look like candle flames on the tree branches.  It ended up being only a thought.  And then the stars lasted until the fog rolled …