Unplugged – see if this fixes the problems on the last send-2

the tree.  The lights in the fir-tree have been put to rest.  It was such a nightly welcome sight, and I depended on it for the bit of light it gave off in an otherwise back yard space.  The tree is still 90% green, there should be a reward for that kind of tenacity. Presently …

Dancing Fireflies

Until someone mentioned it to me, I had not known to look for them.  Mid-June at night and the fire flies are dancing about the grass meadows.  It is a sight to behold.  The area from a yard to 3 yards above the ground is alight. It is quite surreal, and beautiful.

Did It Myself

Upon moving in, decided I could not live with these choices of fixtures, so I replaced them with more modern ones.  I wired two, and paid to have the third one done.  But now in reverse, I wired all three myself.  They hang and they light.  Success! t