
No other word for it. And to be part of the insanity is even more insane. Had a small visiting guest, who had convinced his father that going to the FAO Swartz toy store on 5th and 58th to spend his accumulated Christmas money was a terrific family outing. Only the small and the old can believe in such a thing. At the door, which you couldn’t see for the disgorging of people and the blocked entrance, the line to gain entry was snaking around the corner behind red ropes half a city block from the door.  We joined the throng of others equally insane, to get into the store. At the door it was a jumbled double file and that was just to gain entry. Once inside it was join the file to the escalator, keep in line through the aisles, and veer off only when you reach your department. In the desired department it was thick with parents with cameras, strollers, coats, all bustling and jostling toward the displays.  Alas, the result was empty shelves of the desired product. After making the rounds twice to be sure, we gathered together to leave. Joined in the line to leave the department, go down the escalator, and then flung ourselves into the thick of the line that was trying to squeeze out the front door. To my mind it brought up stories of deaths in night clubs, trampling, and catastrophic results. We exploded out onto the plaza, safe and sound. Not even much the worse for wear. But because the child was on a mission…. we did the entire maneuver all over again! at the Rockefeller Plaza. That is truly insane behavior.