Chinese New Year

Monday was New Year’s Day for the Chinese Community in the City and today, Tuesday there was quiet in Chinatown. Many of the stalls were not open but there were lots of articles in red and gold being touted.  I asked a person or two what they had done to make New Year’s Day special. The consistent answer was dinner with foods they love – fish and chicken were mentioned each time – resulting in too much eating. No one spoke of other activities that might be combined with the day. Some celebrated a New Year’s Eve and others New Year’s Day.  One young woman said she didn’t know a lot about it, her mother did, but hadn’t really told her. How culture becomes watered down when the children are born in America.  It is the year-of-the-Dragon.  I understand the symbols are based on astrology and the Dragon is fire, but this year has something to do with water; obviously I didn’t get enough information.  Saturday there will be the 13th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade.  Check in your cities for similar celebrations this Saturday.