THE Library

There, on 5th Avenue, an exquisite building, blindingly white, guarded by two stone lions. The City’s main branch of the public library. Being in any library is always a special thrill and hate to admit it, but this was my first visit here.  [Rather like living in Washington DC and not ever entering The Capital.]  Having time between a rehearsal and the theatre and as the two were within 10 blocks of each other,  no sense returning home. Entering the library with the impossibly high ceilings and imposing staircases and loooooong hallways makes me catch my breath. With such high ceilings and reading in the literature available on the visitors table that the ‘reading room’ was on the 3rd floor, I chose not to lug myself up how many uncounted stairs, but to take the elevator. Yes. The only other occupant in the elevator was a security guard, who, when asked, said he was coming up on his 24th year of service to the Library. He was serene. We chatted all the way up and he gave me insight that was not so quickly available in the literature. The ‘reading room’ was superb. Beautiful looooong wooden tables, high back high chairs, books lining the walls… and banks of computers. That was dissonant, extremely so, yet there were the books or research information on the screens. And it wasn’t quiet. A couple of disruptive patrons and the ting of the bell as the computers were being used filled the air.  Upon leaving, inside by the front door, I noticed the replica of the majestic lion, done in gray lego!  If for no other reason, to view that is worth the trip.