
What do those of us that have a daily place to lay our heads, and take clean clothes from a closet or some such, actually understand about being homeless.  Very very little I’m afraid. For a homeless person in the City, there is food to be had:  it is given free in many places and varied venues. There is daily and nightly shelter available:  none of which is suitable nor always safe, but the sorts vary from subway benches to church and government run shelters. My point is that one could say, the basic wants are furnished. But they aren’t. Because what there isn’t is the daily place to wash, and go to the bathroom and have a mirror and the possibility of a change of clothes that you haven’t been carting around. Think about that.  Ponder your morning routine, when you get up and go about your ablutions and your rituals.  If you do not have a secure place to live, all those body functions you take for granted become a major logistical issue. Imagine how time consuming that is, how anxious that could make you.. and why at times there are ‘mistakes’ in the subway spaces.