The A Train

There is nothing like the A train. It rides from 14th & 8th to 168th & Broadway in 22 minutes. That’s pretty astounding if one considers what the traffic above ground on those same streets is doing. Or not doing. It whisks one from one end of Manhattan to Brooklyn if that is your route. 4 policeman who looked like an advert for joining the forces boarded at the top. 2 white, 1 african american, 1 hispanic. All fit, all tall and young. After 20 minutes and a couple of stops, they were still standing. Come to find out, an officer in uniform is not allowed to sit. That could be a long ride! The other surprise while riding this train was how the stops were called out. There was 34th, 42nd, and then came 5-9 followed by 1-2-5, with the next two stops being the single letters as well of 1-4-5 and 1-6-8. That can throw a wrench in your listening-for-your-stop-ear. Completely unexpected.