AirTrain JFK

The final-nailed-it-comment by the person who suggested I had no alternative to get to JFK the airport in rush hour but to take the Subway and the AirTrain was “if you somehow manage to screw that up, we have a far bigger problem’. So the journey began knowing it was a piece of cake.  During rush hour, the clogged roads incites one to leave way too early if taking a car service or taxi.  Or if one ignores the obvious and leaves at the ‘usual’ time, then it is stress all the way there, wondering if the flight will leave before they arrive. Underground all the way is the answer to making it on time in the late afternoon. And how right that is!  It is so easy, so clear.  Caught the A train at the 14th St Station and as the weather was doing it’s thing above ground, I never once was a part of it. You only have to choose the correct A train destination and you are on your way. 45 minutes later after leaving Manhattan, riding through the length of Brooklyn, you arrive at the Howard Beach Station in Queens.  A 5 minute walk in a covered environment to the AirTrain Link and 4 minutes later you are dropped at your terminal of choice.  No fuss, no muss, no bother.  Who knew.