Wrap Your Mind Around This…

A string of translucent wire, that goes around the island of Manhattan. An actual piece of fishing-wire-like-wire that is physically in place encapsulating the City. This is truth, and it is called an Eruv. I first heard about it, when a friend noticed a man outside the window of his apartment, fiddling with such a piece of wire. He asked him what the h@$# was he doing stringing that up. He was directed to the Rabbinical person sitting in a car below. And he learned the following story. It is a boundary that turns a large area, like the City into a ‘home boundary’. On the Sabbath, Jews are not allowed to carry objects outside the home; that is work. But if the boundary of the ‘home’ is extended, then there is no ‘outside’ This is a rabbinically approved stratagem. It began in the City apparently in 1994 and now covers side to side and north from 126th to the south to Houston street. Clever huh. It is inspected weekly by a Rabbi to make certain there are no breaks and winds over lampposts and buildings and wherever necessary.