Seat on the Long-haul Bus

If one buys a ticket for an airplane trip, one is assigned a seat number. You don’t own it, just yours to borrow for the trip. A bus ticket seat is determined by how early you stand in line in order to board the bus; some folks stand in line early because they really like to sit in the front of the bus and these seats fill up first. Another gamble on the bus is whether you get to sit alone or with another traveller and whether you do or not, appears to be a combination of determination, luck of the draw, your body mass and a number of other variables. Two twenty somethings boarded the bus late, – meaning after the long line had ended. It just so happened that the long line had been standing in a downpour and some were wetter than others, depending on the size of their umbrella.  As a consequence of late boarding, these two girls went up the aisle, asking all the single seated passengers if they would please move so the two of them could sit together. They mumbled that they had work to do during the 4 hour trip. To my surprise, not a person budged for them and they had to retire to the rear of the bus and sit separately. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind… and I was left wondering why no one yielded.