Sheridan Oregon

A digression.  Remember the Blues Brothers statues along the side of the road, near the Roy Rogers turnoff?  This school is also in Sheridan, [population 6, 156]. What makes this school note worthy, is it is the elite school for the Scientology belief system.  The children attending here, are learning about Scientology. Apparently a famous actor sent his two children here.  So my question is, why Sheridan?  Why Oregon?

Scientology central: These aerial shots of The Delphian School near Sheridan, Oregon, reveal where Tom Cruise educated his children Connor and Isabella. The pictures show the main school building along with its living facilities and dreaded isolation cells and ethhics room

EXCLUSIVE. This exclusive aerial photo of The Delphian School, in Sheridan, Oregon, which costs over $40,000 a year illustrates how isolated the campus is. Students are not allowed to make contact with anyone outside.