The Postman

Walking on the sidewalk in Chinatown today, and passing a postman, I decided to satisfy my curiosity.  The many times I have been in offices and seen packages and or mail delivered, it has been a Chinese appearing Postman.  I wondered if you needed to speak Chinese to work in the Chinatown area, as many of the inhabitants do not speak English.  One sure way to find out: Ask.  So I retraced my steps and stopped in front of him, saying at the same time, “May I ask you a question?”  He just looked at me.  “Sorry to bother you,” I continued, “But I was wondering if you have to speak and read Chinese to be a postal worker here in Chinatown”.  “No” he replied, “You do not.”  “Oh,” I said “The others don’t need to know Chinese or Mandarin,” I stated.  “Neither do I,” he said.  “I’m Japanese.”