Peyton Place on Perry Street

Not really… rather Sex and the City.  Should have posted this years ago, because as I walk by this address, most certainly once a week there is always a gathering of ‘tourists’ there, each taking pictures of the other and generally hanging out.  The folks that live there… have apparently done everything to minimize the inconvenience to their lives… but not to much avail.  There is a chain, a real metal, fit-to-pull-a-speedboat-out-of-the-water-link sized chain across the bottom step.  Hanging on the chain is a ‘Do Not Do Something sign – for as many times as I’ve passed it, all I remember is the red circle.  Next to the chain’s hook on the left side is a 10″x 3″ container asking for donations to save dogs/animals as a thank you for making the facade available for a picture.  This photo taking is right up there with asking for an autograph: you do what with it, when you return home?  Oh right,  FB it!

