Snowed In, Snowed Under..

If among your friends you have one who does not accept the scientific findings supporting ‘Climate Change’ [some folks got hung up on the word ‘warming’] let them come to the City pronto.  Yet another early morning snow storm.  Yesterday it rained.  Rain began Tuesday, early evening and by Wednesday afternoon, on the west side of the streets, the snow was, for all intents and purposes, gone.  Then early this morning the snow began again.  It is slated to be another 4-6 inches.  So what’s wrong with a little snow?  It impedes daily routines, [which is perhaps a good thing, forcing some to ‘back off’ the hurry].  It costs the City a bundle to keep the roads passable.  No matter what my schedule may be, there are others who must show up at their nanny/house cleaning/service jobs.  A little bad weather isn’t going to stop their employers from demanding that they be at their positions.  Schools close which works havoc for the working parent responsible for getting off-spring to the classroom. And masses of sodium chloride is being added to the water system via the street drains.  Never a good thing.

The upside?  It is beautiful to watch the process as the trees become dressed in white fluff on top of the stark black branches

