Kitchen Garbage Disposals

Had heard and believed that such a kitchen appliance was illegal in the City.

But surprise, they are not.  This is a comment about the advertising of apartment amenities:

“In addition to large price tags, these listings have something else in common. They all puff out their chest to announce: This apartment has a garbage disposal.

This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes.

They do pop up now and again in apartment listings, especially in newer buildings. On Monday, 83 listings on the StreetEasy Web site considered this modest gadget, which typically costs less than $200, worth a mention, right alongside the gyms and the views, the pet wash rooms and the 24-hour doormen.

Nancy Albertson, director of leasing at Glenwood, a company that builds new rental buildings, many of which have included garbage disposals in recent years, said that when many New Yorkers saw them, they had the same reaction: “Isn’t that illegal?””

But the even better reason not to have one is the following”

“I just don’t happen to have enough room under my kitchen sink,” Mr. Kraus said, “or I’d be happy to have one.  Besides, the garbage can is right over there.”

Space, that says it all, every time!