The Cars Have it Better

Today, in the aftermath of the snow storm in which 6-8 inches lay on the ground, I was navigating the walk home from the theatre.  At one intersection, I took to the roadway.  It suddenly occurred to me that the roadway, which is cleared by the City was in much better shape than the sidewalks and corner crossings.  How is That now?  The City pays to keep the roads virtually snow free for the cars, but each property owner is required to clear their portion of the sidewalk.  Some owners did not get that memo.  And who is responsible for the sidewalk that boarders the parks.  Guess that memo has not yet been composed.  Giving this some thought, the roadways are for the buses and taxis. But one can not reach the bus from the sidewalk, because the sidewalks are cleared horizontally to the street, not vertically.  And no one clears the bus’ stops that are now blocked by piles of snow created by the snowplows clearing the street. A conundrum indeed!