The ‘Dumb Blonde’ of DMV’s

Not even quite sure what happened.  But here in PA getting a new DMV license is an all day affair.  Apparently about 4 years ago, the state privatized part of the process.  God forbid you need to register your car title.  That is so confusing, car companies charge extra.  Compared to experiences in other states, this was a nightmare only one is awake and driving.  First, find a town where the ‘camera center’ is open on the day you want to go.  The ‘camera center’ is a building you go to with a card you received in the mail – every 4 years to get a new picture taken, with said card and then apparently your license is renewed.  At some of these, they issue D L’s.  According to my insurance company the large town, an hour away, was open on Tuesday and issued D L’s  Upon arrival discovered ‘camera center’ open, but not D L division.  A  nice man, employed by the DMV  asked me if I wanted to drive further south – now 90 minutes from home, there one would be open. Knowing next to nothing about the state, I asked for something north.  Was directed  NW to another ‘camera center’.  I showed up, I thought, with the necessary list of requirements.  Except my ‘necessary list’ wasn’t quite right.  Had the NY State license. Check. Birth certificate, no, had passport, sort of check. SS card.  Check. [Must remove from folder.]  Mail with my name at my address.  1 piece. Check. 2nd piece? No but I have rental agreement and electric bill. Not good enough because… I will spare you the reasons.  By now I was feeling less than well.  Office only accepts checks or MO and my check has my new mailing address on it, which for security is a PO Box.  Un-nice lady did not like that, crossed it roughly out and said “Write in your street address’!  She took her time.  Finally she returns all the papers and says I am to go back to ‘start’ pick a number and wait for picture to be taken.  #71.  They are currently at 50 and the office closes in 25 minutes.  And that is when I met Sarah!