
Yesterday 4 hours was spent weed-whacking around the house.  it is something i enjoy – rather like vacuuming, as it makes for see-able results.  I thought it was quite a job.  Today I am observing the neighbors with help, at least five of them, loading bales of hay into the old barn across the street.  The Baler is not knotting consistently, so they are having to sort through the broken bales to find whole ones for stacking first.  Watching it makes my nose twitch, my hands itch and hope for them they get it done before the rains come, whenever that is forecast.  Perhaps it is due to the rains this summer, but another farmer along the road appears to be in dire straits about it as well.  Farming is not only a full-time job, it is one requiring neighborhood cooperation.  They worked until deep dusk.  Addendum:  I stopped writing at deep dusk.  They put on the tractor lights and kept going.