How About That!

Sitting in the wing-backed-leather-chair in my kitchen late at night, minding my own business, I see something move, out of the corner of my eye to the right.  It is a spider crossing from the vicinity of the back door.  Before I can get up and pick up my slipper it scoots under the refrigerator.  Have you ever seen a can of ‘spider spray’?  Me either.  There are all sorts of other varmint sprays,  but no spider.  The refrigerator is now ringed with ant and roach spray.  The hidden creepy-crawly has not reacted.  Perhaps it is communicating with the 4 inch long dragon-fly that flew in via the back door yesterday and has not been seen since.  You remember the big ‘german bee” that buzzed in the night of the WW event and was never found?  The housekeeper happened to mention that she found a large-dead-bee….