Favorite Kind of Political Discussion

Was invited to ‘help-myself’ to plants from a garden that is going to be plowed under.  The gardeners have decided that it is too much work due to their advancing ages and so come and take what you want.  I could only say ‘yes, thank you’. I showed up with a shovel thank you Bob! and an Ikea bag.  The lovely couple was delightful.  After choosing what I wanted – including a peony,  my favorite, we went inside to have a cup of tea.  The TV was tuned to Fox News as I entered.  As the gracious and warm wife was making the tea and cutting the hot-out-of-the-oven-date-bread I asked the husband – who had done the digging, no need for my shovel – how we could make America Great Again.  He said it wasn’t about Trump, it was about getting rid of the politicians hold on life in America.  It was about putting America first.  Who cares about all these other countries, make it first about this country.  We talked for quite a while.  He harked back to his unionized father, and life as a blue-collar worker.  It was all too true.  I understood his view-point.  I asked about the fact that the world had become smaller, but that isn’t on the radar.  My assessment: the thinking is correct, but the magnanimity assigned to the business community in the USA is wrong. USA business are out for the bottom line.  In Endicott the other day, I asked, what was this place once?  The answer.  It was IBM headquarters.  They poisoned the land and then left.  There you have it.