Well, well, well

Will wonders never cease. If you encounter me having to spend cash, constantly, you would have heard me bemoan the fact. I prefer to pay with a credit card. There are incentives to pay with a card, most notably travel points. If one keeps current monthly it is like cash. Every where in smaller cities there is little opportunity for card payment. Never at the drugstore, or the grocery store or the variety store. But today! Went to gather needed supplies after 5 days of only buying flowers and biking and came to the cashier at the drugstore where there was a sign in Dutch ‘debit card’ only. I don’t carry a Dutch debit card so i asked if i could try my credit card. No expectation of any sort. Well, well, well. it accepted my credit card. Could not wait to try it at the grocery store. Again, success. And to think, of course. they could have done this all along!!! The shops only accept payment by debit drawn on a Dutch bank. I am using an American bank credit card.