The Train to ….

The signage at the beginning of the platform said, ‘Don’t Board’. Those gathered along side the expansive train seemed confused as to whether the sign was current news or a forgotten left-over. The scheduled departure was in a couple of minutes. Those waiting, shifted and paced but no-one attempted to board. That is until two college age boys decided the sign did not apply to them, pushed the open-door-button and entered a car of the otherwise empty train. We all watched. Fully attentive. No one else boarded. We waited…. Then slowly, but with certainty the first six cars [the boys were in the fourth car], uncoupled from the remainder of the train and slide quietly off down the track. This station is the end of the line or the beginning, depending on your journey, and cars are often side-railed. As the engine pulled the six cars these two passengers would not have thought they were on a train to no-where unless it dawned on them that they had not heard the conductor’s whistle which always clears the train to leave. My suspension is that someone saw them board and decided a bit of fun was in order.