The Premonition: A Pandemic Story

“Disease prevention is a public good. [however] from the point of view of the American culture the problem was, in disease prevention there was no money in it. Thus, find a way to make it pay. We are going to do privately the government business as did Blackwater. As a local health officer I was unable to get the tens of thousands of dollars for some disease stopping machine, in the private sector people would throw tens of millions at an idea. [extrapolate how the blood machine hoax came to be]

Not an easy read, you might need pen and paper to keep the story straight, However, I strongly recommend you stay with it if you really want to understand how the world ended up where we are today vis a vis the pandemic. Michael Lewis, the author, is an awesome researcher and you will likely not find a better compilation of facts and explanations. You can read it from the library, audio, or hard cover. but may I suggest read it you must.