Batten Down the Hatches, once again….

… someone out there will remember that the inception of the observations of the City began a year ago, when there were major preparations afoot for a storm.  The City shut down, the neighborhood collected at the local bar and thankfully nothing happened. Now we are at it again. The Subway will close at 7 pm – with everyone remembering how long it takes to get it up and running again – Broadway has cancelled all the shows, all the way down to Off, off, off and beyond off Broadway. My neighbors have stocked up on champagne, baked a coconut pie and are planning on gathering at the immobile-due-to-hip-injury-neighbor. Monday everything is also cancelled for daytime appointments and we wait and see. I too have my priorities on what needs to take place in the event of no water, electricity – ConEd or municipal services. Not quite sure they meet Red Cross standards, but then again, maybe the Red Cross could use some suggestions. One of my buys was flowers. Figure if life was going to be grim for a while, make it better with blossoms. Stay tuned.