BDtheH- con’t

Between 2 and 4 am was up and at ’em due to the wonderful quiet of the street, not even the garbage trucks as predicted; the true quiet before the storm. Presently it’s around noon time, the streets of the Village have foot traffic, a few cabs, but no buses and no trucks. And of course the one shop that is open is the flower shop across the street; obviously he gets it. I wonder if all this prep is over kill, but then it is better to save one homeless person than to ignore the segment of the folk that needs our help the most. Maybe this is how post-industrial societies are forced to back off and take time to breathe. Even trading on Wall Street is closed for the day. Healthy. I live in a 3rd-little-pig-building, and it happens to be on a ‘hill’ so huffing and puffing should not have much effect.