Man Spreading…

A quote from the article to whet your appetite.  How often I have thought this very thing: Who do you think you are to take up the space of two spreading your knees.  After the quote below, is a link to the article A Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) spokesman, Kevin Ortiz, described the practice thus: …

Eye Department

921 SW 16th Avenue.  Popped in unannounced to them this morning with a pair of favorite glasses that had lost the arm.  Within a few minutes the screw was replaced and I was on my way, with a smile and no charge.  Most unexpected and most gracious.  If you are in need of eyewear, give …

What Can I Say No one apparently believes the weatherman here, too many calls of ‘wolf’. But today he got his comeuppance.  Went out this a.m. to meet my niece Stephanie at my alma mater – a building new to me, with pictures of the past graduates lining the hall.  She wanted me to see the picture which …

Fam & Flowers

It was a surreal event; to look out at the audience as the applause is happening and there they are!  My favorite people: nephews and nieces and their young adult children.  It was a special moment for me.  Brian & Jami, Clark & Faun, Tori, Jordan, Emma, Nathan!  To see their “Aunt” on the Boards. …