Happy Chinese New Year

Wednesday, the eve of New Year’s Day, was in Chinatown and it was bustling!  People buying special cakes and fish and fruits and flowers.  The sun was bright, though the air  was chill and the wind gusted now and then.  But the sunshine added such a festive note to the goings-on.  And it seemed indeed …


I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about the best thing in the grocery store freeze section: Talenti Gelato.  Happened upon it, wasn’t looking for it, but once you taste ‘Sea Salt Carmel’ life is changed.  Each home I  visited this summer, bought it for the host and the madness in that method …

Life Lessons- cont…

The Sister Who Laughed the Hardest. Older, single women have always to be on guard and savvy so as not to be taken in by scams.  People who should know better have fallen prey and into the scammers clutches. Younger Sister [YS] was upstairs in the house, when she heard the land line telephone ring.  …