January 1 – New Laws

From a list published in the Oregonian:   Minimum wage to $9.10 an hour, tied to inflation. Driving: texting or talking on a cellphone while behind the wheel is a $142-$500 fine.  Smoking while a child is in the car- first offense $250.  Repeat $500.  No teens in tanning beds.  Those with PTSD can get …

Super-Star Mother

She watched as her adult son and daughter-in-law boarded the train in suburban CT, bound for the City. As he stepped over the gap between the platform and the train, the pants on the hanger from the cleaners slipped off their perch and disappeared into the abyss below. As his eyes registered his horror and …

Fun and Free

Went with a friend last night to the second floor of the Hilton Hotel on 6th Avenue where every 20 minutes another music or dance performance was taking place. The venue was the APAP [Association of Performing Arts Presenters] Showcase 2012. What a wonder! Of course we saw the Dana Leong Trio: electric cello, guitar, …